
Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Sands of Time...

July 31, 2011

The Sands of Time…

Today I want to wander a little from the beaches and drifting sands of my usual meanderings, to share something from my heart…

Many of you know a little of my story and that I am battling for my life now for more than 4 years.  Each day is a gift..sometimes filled with heartache & pain and sometimes filled with the joy of Palm Breezes, Ocean air, and the excitement one feels when you experience sand between your toes on a warm southern day.

Time seems to be flying past us faster than the speed of light these days…don’t you sometimes feel that way? It seems like yesterday that I was holding my youngest daughter in my arms, marveling at her precious little face and hands and what a miracle she was. Now, I look into the faces of her 4 children, ages 5 through 15, and I weep… Time…how did you slip past me??? Where did you go? How did I not hear you open or close the door?...Time ~ a gift from God Himself…like Grace…undeserved…unmerited…time doesn’t ask our permission to come or to leave…Time has it’s own schedule… This morning my heart cries out to share the Love of God with you...whilst I still can.

Please know you are loved by God. He created you, specifically you, for His pleasure, for His purpose, for His fellowship. Get to know the Living God who loves you with an everlasting Love! He longs for your fellowship with Him!

Today I want to leave you with a special photo and commentary, done by a beloved and dear friend of many years,  Matti Sirvio. He is an accomplished internationally known artist and a man who truly serves God and man with all his heart and soul. I hope it blesses you! The photo was taken in Finland in February 2011. The commentary was written about the same time.


“…continuing surprises”

Surprises should not surprise us.
They are an exciting part of life that helps us to fight familiarity
and false security.
When something unusual and unexpected happens it gives us
an opportunity to get back to the basics.
What is the purpose of life? What are my priorities?
Why do I have a believing heart?
So many things that engage our time don’t matter at all.
Surprise, God is still God.
Nathaniel was really impressed by Jesus’ knowledge of him.
Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree.
You shall see greater things than that." John 1:50
Jesus let him know that this was just a little foretaste of what was to come.
Two things continue surprising believers, the depth of our own corruption and
the never ending source of God’s Grace.
Every genuine believer has at least once in his life felt that he has not
deserved the grace of God anymore.
This thought, of course, is an oxymoron, as Grace cannot
be deserved in the first place.
I don’t think that God can be surprised by anything due to his
omniscient character.
Nevertheless, I think that He must be amazed by people’s absurd unwillingness
to enjoy the abundant resources of His grace.

Have a blessed day and week ahead.
Feel free to leave comments. I love to hear from all of you! And please know I am grateful for each of you who take a few moments from your day to read this. Thank you!
(please also feel free to share this article via the buttons below if you wish to.)

Because of Grace,


Monday, January 3, 2011

Bloglovin! Follow this blog with Bloglovin!

 Trying out a new Blog reader called Bloglovin  ! So easy to read! Thanks to Laura Trevey from Bright, Bold, & Beautiful, who is now using it and how I found it. You can find Laura's awesome site in my lower left Favorites area.

Please stay tuned... some great reviews & swag will be up for coming up in the next few days to celebrate my birthday tomorrow and the New Year!

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